Photographing Your Artwork

Step 1:

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Use a tape measure or a ruler to measure (in centimetres):

·       how wide your artwork is

·       how high your artwork is

Write this down as you go along.


Step 2:

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Try to find a room that is bright with lights that are not too yellow (if you can) as yellow lights will change the colour of your artwork in the photo.


Step 3:

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Put your artwork on a flat surface:

·     Hang it on a wall if you can

·     On a table or the floor if it is a sculpture or if you can’t hang it up


Step 4:

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Stand facing the artwork and hold your camera at the same height as the artwork on the wall. Check that the photo looks straight by using gridlines on the screen of the camera (if you can).

Step 5:

Look through the camera to:

·     make sure it is light enough in the room

·     make sure light is not reflecting off your artwork

Hold the camera still and start taking photos.